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What to do with rad1o?

The air around you is full of data from medical devices, smart home devices, airplanes, cars, phones up to radio & television. rad1o may help you to access them.

Sessions and Projects at the Camp

Add some LEDs

see RGB LEDs

Software defined radio

Check if the badge receives data

osmocom_fft (may require the installation of gr-osmosdr) Should display sth. like:



ADS-B is a positioning system for planes. See Wikipedia. For GNU Radio exists the module gr-air-modes which contains the command line tool modes_rx which can be used to receive ADS-B data. sudo apt-get install gr-air-modes

modes_rx -s osmocom -d

FM Radio stations

  • Requires GNURadio
  • Requires either an extra antenna or pressing a finger on the upper right corner where the antenna is usually soldered (then you are a human antenna ;-) )
  • Example Script: FM Radio Example (must be opened with GNU Radio Companion)
  • The script can be started via the arrow in the middle of the menu
  • Depending on your SoundCard and your CPU you may vary the parameters for samp_rate (eg. decreasing to 2M) and audio_samp_rate(eg. increasing to 96k)
  • The Frequency can be adjusted via the FFT Plot that opens when the script is started


More information about rad1o

Media coverage

Chaos Radio München Podcast (German)

Learning more about SDR and GNU Radio

what.1439203533.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/08/10 12:45 by c