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If you have soldered on the RGB LEDs and some or all of them do not work, at first update the software on your rad1o. The original camp firmware has issues properly talking to the LEDs

Optional, not fitted in camp version

LED Port Location Color / Type
RGB801-808 P8_0 6 on Antenna and 2 in the lower area of the PCB RGB / WS2812B


These are RGB LEDs with their own microcontroller, so all LEDs can be programmed individually. They are daisy chained, first the two in the lower area of the PCB and then six on the antenna on the top. So if you don't want to add all LEDs, or want to start with only one first, you have to follow the order “middle left, middle right, antenna from right to left” or bridge the data pins of the unused LED pads.

:!: Important note :!: Due to a fn0rd in the layout the transistors intended to control power of the LEDs can't be used as intended. The transistor pads have not been populated. You either have to

  1. build some complex SMD sculpture using wires or
  2. simply bridge 3 of these pads. But then your badge will always be powered, even if turned off, so either:
    1. try to use a jumper or
    2. try to use a switch to bridge the transistor pads (with some wires one switch can be used for all three) or
    3. always disconnect the battery to turn the badge off.

Example with all possible LEDs and bridges (for power supply) soldered (LEDs green, bridges red):

Example with only two LEDs at the antenna, then the bridges at the lower part of the board aren't needed but you need to add bridges for transporting the signal (ignore the yellow arrows):

Sorry for that, but wouldn't it be boring otherwise? :-P

Which way around do the LEDs go?

If you have a close look at an LED, you'll notice one corner is marked by having a bit cut off. In the photo below, the pads where this corner needs to be are marked in red:

I soldered one LED but it doesn't work?

All LEDs are on the same data line, if they are not all soldered on, the data line is interrupted. You can either solder on all LEDs or bridge the data line. The image below shows where the data line goes, red lines are on the PCB, green lines are usually closed by LEDs. If you are not filling all LED spots, you have to fill the missing connections with wire.

Will the LEDs do something as soon as I switch the rad1o on?


Switch off your badge, press the joystick to the left (in the direction of DARC). Select TESTAPP, and then ws2812b.

How should the test pattern look like?

The 2 lower LEDs should be yellow, the one at the tip of the antenna should be green and the other 5 LEDs on the antenna blue.

leds.1439485626.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/08/13 19:07 by