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rad1o interest

nick contact plans at cccamp?
ktundf dect 2962 or @ktundf (twitter) i'm working 8h every day at the main bar and there is no rad1o for us bar workers, but i would love to have one to play at home. i can pay for it and/or give you the coldest beer of your entire camp life. yes
sev (Ham Radio: DK1SEV) or @ssaev (Twitter) I cannot be at the camp but very interested to play with a rad1obadge. Actually I'm writing my bachelor in the field of sdr and signal processing. I live in Germany and I would be happy to pay for shipping and for the badge. No
lunar dect 5862 or lunar-à-torproject-point-org I have friends working on an encrypted talk-walkie project. I'm going to donate mine but another one would really help. Yes
stuggi Twitter @0711town Me and my roommate we're new to SDR, but would really love to make some experiments and getting deeper into it. We like to buy one or get you pizza delivered or what else you want, pls contact me via twitter. No
creepyking GSM 2612 Twitter @alienmasta a friend of mine didn't get a ticket and I hope I can bring him a great gift so he can hack a bit and get the great feeling of the camp at home I hope when we both have a rad1o something useful we will program. Sorry for my bad English yes
KvH Twitter: @bytespeicher_ef Our hackerspace in Erfurt, Germany ( is holding a workshop on software defined radio. Attendees need to bring own hardware right now since we do not have any sdr hardware there. A Rad1obadge would give us the chance to bring our sdr workshop to the next level. No
klofrau I'm not able to attend because work sucks, but I'd love to call one of the rad1o's my own to experiment and learn about SDR. Partly to distract from said day-to-day work, partly cause learning is fun! I'd be happy to have an artefact from the camp I couldn't attend and I'd love to cover shipping costs to germany and compensate you for the badge no
KeyOz keyoz (at) can't be on campside because of work but as hamradio operator i'm interested in the rad1o badge no
arcee arcee42 (at) Unfortunately, I had to work and could not go to cccamp. I'm very interested in SDR projects, especially those about sending and receiving. Sadly, HackRF is just too expensive for me as apprentice. I'd be very grateful if someone could sell me their Rad1oBadge (I'm living in Germany) sorry for my english no
slacc Looking for a badge for my friend in Munich who couldnt visit the camp, he's already doing projects with cheap SDR-Sticks which can only receive. I'd really like to give him a rad1o badge (I will pay for it). I'm from Hamburg and will visit the congress. no
Lorphos XMPP: Lorphos(at) Couldn't make it to the Camp for the first time, very interested in rad1o because I want to get into SDR! I'm offering a r0ket in exchange! (it was the 2011 camp badge). I'll also cover shipping. no, Dortmund
donbruno iom(at) interested in rad1o no
Florian Very interested in buying a rad1o. No.
Christian darthvader007 (at) web (dot) de I'm living in Ingolstadt and I'm quite into the rtl-sdr scene since last year. Receiving signals is one thing but transmitting is even cooler. Unfortunately I don't have a hackRF because it was too expensive for me so maybe one could sell me a rad1o for a reasonable price. no
Patrick patrickleugue#gmail*com Very interested in purchasing a rad1o for RF research. Could not attend the conference but looking forward to the next one no
barilla hb 0 bp[ääääät]pfaditriesen*li i am very interested to use a rad10 for radio scouting(jota). could not be on this camp because of other scout camp that happen every 4 year. sadly no
-horn- hornig#aerospaceresearch*net or Hi, the first thing I would like to do is bringing rad1o to the BigWhoop global spectrum monitoring project we started this year for NASA's Space Apps Challenge in shackspace (Stuttgart) so that we have rad1o support for this open source global spectrum monitoring project. And after that, I would like to receive satellite signals with it to have it as one supported hardware for our ground stations for the Distributed Ground Station Network I am working on. RTLSDR dongles are great, but not offering S-band and higher frequency bands as the rad1o did. There are still some satellites to track. Interested in buying. Or if you are around shackspace, please drop it there for some time. That would be awesome! :) no
feklee (Berlin) Was at the camp, but too busy with our project to fetch a badge. Later I was told that there are no more. :-( I have a number of use cases, e.g. RFID. If someone could borrow me their badge, I'll laser you a case in return. Ultimately, though, I'd like to have my own badge, to carry with me when travelling. Willing to pay for S&H, but not more (already paid for the ticket). yes
nownextlater nownextlater-at-gmail-dot-com Use for Automotive research into e.g. C2I communications. Interested in buying. No
christoph I would love to play with SDR but I cannot convince myself to invest 300 Euro on a HackRF. So if anyone is interested in selling his rad1o, please let me know. No
Bahamas grindthemind-at-web-dot-de Hi, I'm looking for a rad1o device. Is there someone who don't know what to do with it or is already bored by using it? I guess there is no chance to get one. Unfortunately I have no ace in the hole. I didn't visit the camp as nobody went along with me. cheers Bahamas No
Suimi alfius77-AT-yahoo-DOT-it The rad1o is simply too cool! If anyone is interested in selling his one please contact me. I'm based in DE. No :-(
Sciaticnerd SciaticNerd-at-googlesGeeMail-dot-com (gmail) This looks like one heck of a cool badge/SDR/toy!! Those who attended were fortunate to have the opportunity to obtain one. Interested in selling one? Please reach out and contact me. I'm based in the US. No
SneakDante techdante (-at-) geemail-dot-com (gmail) i really want to get hold of one of these, want to get into radio broadcasting and want to try dab multiplexing. if anyone in teh uk is willing to sell im in the london are. No wish i could have
ds desischso AT ok DOT de The rad1o is cool! Like to have one No

rad1o offers

nick contact plans date when I'd give it up exchange interest
example Dect 8463 I am a curious person after camp I'm looking for two servo motors at camp
franksemi mail: frank at labitat dot dk looking to get some more pro sdr september Selling for best bid - or trading for something cool :-) (I also have a HackRF for sale/trade)
rad1oexchange.1451908873.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/01/04 13:01 by dericke