Table of Contents

Firmware Updates

Current Firmware Release: FIXME FW REV 01. Current Bootloader Release: BL REV ??

The rad1o firmware consists of these main parts:

Updating applications, l0dables and other files

To update the applications and all other files, just press “UP” while powering on the rad1o. The rad1o will now appear as a mass storage device on its main USB port.

We try to package most of the available software for the rad1o in an archive. You can download it here: FIXME insert link to archive.

Just download the archive and place all files on the file system of the rad1o. Press “ENTER” on the rad1o and enjoy the new software.

You can check the release version of your firmware in the “INFO” menu.

Updating the bootloader

It is more tricky to update the bootloader. There are three options:

There is no way to check the bootloader revision yet.