====== List of projects that are using rad1o ====== If you did something interesting with rad1o, add your project below! ===== Development tools ===== * [[http://microflo.org/|MicroFlo]] flow-based programming environment port\\ https://github.com/jonnor/f1rmware/tree/microflo2 (@jonnor) ===== RF projects ===== * Wifi jammer with hackrf tools (@verovaleros, @eldracote). * Basic embedded Morse application able to send and receive messages over RF. Enjoy! (by @virtualabs)\\ https://github.com/virtualabs/f1rmware/tree/master/telegraf * standalone wide FM radio - listen to your rad1o! Also: standalone transmitting! Plug in a headset and have a go!\\ https://github.com/rad1o/f1rmware/pull/124 (in rfapp, by @hilse) * Control sextoys (wireless massage eggs) with your rad1o!\\ https://github.com/ikarus23/wireless_massage_egg/tree/master/gnuradio (will be merged soon?!)\\ https://events.ccc.de/camp/2015/wiki/Projects:Teledildonics ===== Audio ===== * MOD file audio player (by @hilse).\\ https://github.com/rad1o/f1rmware/pull/53 (now part of upstream f1rmware)\\ Check out this list for suitable (<32kByte!) MOD files:\\ http://modarchive.org/index.php?request=view_member_favourites&query=88778 ===== Visual ===== * Color plasma nick animation (by @hilse).\\ https://github.com/rad1o/f1rmware/pull/30 (now part of upstream f1rmware) * Nick animation with joystick-driven LED colors (by @cannonerd and @bergie)\\ https://github.com/rad1o/f1rmware/pull/85 ===== Antenna ===== * d1pole . Your first simple to build Antenna for the rad1o (by @b4um_).\\ http://www.dk0tu.de/users/DB4UM/c3d1pole/ ===== Covers ===== * silicone sleeve, mold-your-own (by @hilse)\\ http://imgur.com/wFT2nne