====== Basic stuff ====== * [[howto:change_nick|How to change the nickname]] * [[howto:change_default_application|How to change the default application]] * [[howto:update|How to update the firmware from a release]] * [[howto:build|How to build and flash the rad1o firmware from git]] * [[howto:use_hackrf|How to use in hackrf mode]] ====== GNU Radio stuff ====== * [[howto:gnuradio_easy|How to get GNU Radio up and running with a live distro (the easy way)]] :!: * [[howto:gnuradio_build|How to build GNU Radio from source]] ====== RX stuff ====== * [[howto:windows|How to get it to work with Windows and SDR#]] * [[software:sdr#android|How to get it to work with Android and RF Analyzer]] * [[howto:iridium|How to receive iridium]] * [[sdr:adsb|How to receive ADS-B]] ====== Fun stuff ====== * [[:lcd_art|How to convert your images to the rad1o format]] * [[howto:gifconversion|How to convert a gif to an animation]] ====== Projects ====== * [[:projects| List of projects that are using rad1o ]] ====== Meta stuff ====== * [[howto:template|Howto howto]]. This is a wiki, please help writing it, thx!