=rad1o firmware You can find the whole software and sources in our git repository on GitHub: https://github.com/rad1o/f1rmware Please read the [[https://github.com/rad1o/f1rmware/blob/master/doc/build.md|build instructions]] there. It's also a good starting point to find out how to write your own firmware/software for the rad1o. The code is released under GPLv2/BSD license (we use GPL libraries, but our code will be dual licensed) Please have a look at the [[:hardware]] page for data sheets of the components. === Structure The base firmware provides you with a set of functions to control the rad1o * How to build your own software * There is a patched HackRF Firmware (**HKRF-OLD**) that uses the original HackRF USB ID so you can use your rad1o with a standard (old) HackRF setup (that doesn't know yet about rad1o's own USB ID of course). === l0dables * Located in the /l0dables directory. * Written in C. * Maybe useful reference: [[http://www.r0ket.de/l0dable|l0dables for the r0ket.]] R0ket was 0, rad1o is 1.